We believe in a hand up.

Community Helping Hands has been alive and well in the community for over 20 years already. We have evolved, but we have not abandoned our core belief that everyone deserves a hand up. This is the foundation of our ministry and service model at CHH. We believe in a hand up, not a hand out. We believe in empowerment.

We continue to marvel at the ways God uses our extended hands to transform people, and we’re expectant for the future…. because if there’s anything that the last two decades have taught us, it’s that a hand up is a doorway to lasting transformation.

Thank you for you continued partnership in our vision for community transformation.

Shawn Whitmer
Interim Executive Director

The CHH distinctives.

We bridge the gap between those in abundance and those in need through:


Practical resourcing.


Up-cycled clothing, furniture, and household items for those in need.

Learn More about our thrift stores.


Relationships of mutuality that fuel organic empowerment.


Soft and hard skill trainings and work experience in supportive community.

Learn More about our workforce development initiative.


Catalytic collaborations.


Partnerships with like-minded nonprofits to amplify the services that are available to those in need in our community, leading to a flourishing that we could not get to alone.

Learn More about the Gateway Center.